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Introduction to OOPS (Object oriented Programming System)

priyanka kushwaha5250 24-Jan-2015

In this article, I’m explaining about oops  in .Net 

Objects means a real word entity such as pen, chair, table etc.

Object Oriented Programming is methodology to design a program using classes and Objects.

The object oriented Programming System is providing 4 principles like:

1. Encapsulation

2.  Abstraction

3. Polymorphism

4. Inheritance


  Encapsulation is a way of organizing data members (variables, properties) and  member functions (methods)  into  a single unit.


Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing only functionality to the user.


Polymorphism means many forms (ability to take more than one form). In polymorphism poly means “multiple” and morph “forms” so polymorphism means many forms.

Polymorphism has ability to provide different implementation of methods that are implemented with same name.

In polymorphism we have 2 different types 

1.     Overloading  or static binding  (Compile Time Polymorphism or early binding)

2.     Overriding  or Dynamic binding (Run  Time Polymorphism or Late binding) 


   The same method name with different type of parameters in a class is known as  method overloading.


namespace OverloadingProgram
        publicint sum(int a, int b)
            return a + b;
        publicfloat sum(int a, int b,int c)
            return (a + b);
        staticvoid Main(string[] args)
            BaseClass objclass = newBaseClass();
            int result= objclass.sum(2, 3);
             int result1=objclass.sum(4,5,6); 


Inheritance is the ability to create a class from another class, the "parent" class, extending the functionality and state of the parent in the derived, or "child" class. It allows derived classes to overload methods from their parent class.

Types of inheritance in c#

1) Single inheritance

2) Multilevel inheritance

Single Inheritance

In Single Inheritance, Base Class functionality access in derive class.

namespace InheritanceTask

{public class BaseClass
        public  int width,height;
        public void setWidth(int w)
            width = w;
        public void setHeight(int h)
        {height = h;
 public  class DriveClass:BaseClass
    {public int getArea()
        {return (width * height);}}}


Multilevel Inheritance


namespace MultilevelInheritance
    public class Account
        string cust_name;
        int acc_no;
        protected Account(string cname, int acno)
            cust_name = cname;
            acc_no = acno;
        protected void display()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Customer Name=" + cust_name);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Account No=" + acc_no);}}
//Inherit base class
    public class Saving_Acc : Account
        int min_bal, saving_bal;
        protected Saving_Acc(string cname, int acno, int mbal, int sbal): base(cname, acno)
            min_bal = mbal;
            saving_bal = sbal;
        protected new void  display()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Minimum Balance: " + min_bal);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Saving Balance: " + saving_bal);
    //inherit super class
      public class Acct_Details : Saving_Acc
        int deposits, withdrawals;
        public Acct_Details(int dep, int withdraw): base("priyanka", 1233, 22222, 22222)
            deposits = dep;
            withdrawals = withdraw;
        public void display()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Deposit: " + deposits);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Withdrawals: " + withdrawals);
namespace MultilevelInheritance
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true) // Loop indefinitely
                System.Console.WriteLine("your want to continue y/n :");
                  string exit = Convert.ToString(System.Console.ReadLine());
                  System.Console.WriteLine("Enter  your deposit no:");
                int deposits = Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine());
                System.Console.WriteLine("Enter your withdrawals no:");
                int withdrawals = Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine());
                Acct_Details objAcctDetail = new Acct_Details(deposits, withdrawals);
                if (exit == "n")


Updated 04-Jul-2019

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